Which Areas are Safe for Your Dog to Swim In?

In the heat of the summer sunshine, it is imperative to check that the water quality at your dog’s favourite swimming spot is safe and healthy enough for them to have a dip in the water to cool off. The Horizons Regional Council produces reports on water quality at popular swimming spots in the Region between 1 November and 30 April every year. Get up-to-date information about the water quality at your dog’s favourite freshwater and coastal swimming spots here.
Some general swimming guidelines for your dog :


If your dog appears ill shortly after a swim, please phone us at 063588675 to schedule your dog for a check over by one of our veterinarians.
Published by Cahill Animal Hospital on 05 February 2016
The team at Cahill Animal Hospital is here to provide you and your pet with the best possible medical, surgical and supportive care. Our motto "We care as much as you do" is a very important part of our day to day work. We are committed to providing you and your pet with the best options for care.

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